Artificial Intelligence & Bias
Explore how institutional racism pervades our healthcare systems, the physical and mental effect it has on our bodies, and effective action to close this gap.
Programmes > African-Carribean Tyler (ACT) Essay Prize > Artificial Intelligence & Bias
Explore the ways in which AI can both help and harm the Black community, and evaluate some of the ways in which these issues can be tackled.
Related disciplines: Health & Life Sciences (Medicine, Biology, Psychology)
From programs that can identify cancers from medical scans, to machines that can beat world champions at games like chess and Go, artificial intelligence has made incredible advancements in the past decade. While the rapid adoption of AI in key areas of society can have massive benefits, we must also take into account the potential issues. AI systems are not perfect - specifically, they can produce results that are biased on the grounds of race, gender, and many other sensitive factors.

Abena, Module Leader
"So often technology is perceived by the public to be untouched by human bias. The reality is that the technologies shaping our world are deeply shaped by the humans who create it."
Discuss the extent to which human biases can be removed from artificial intelligence systems.

Joshua is an undergraduate studying Computer Science at Christ Church College, Oxford. He is pursuing a career in tech and has completed Software Engineering internships at various companies, including Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and Google.”
Joshua | Module Leader for Artificial Intelligence & Bias

Academic Paper
Sasha Harrison, Boxiao Pan. Mitigating Bias in Facial Recognition with FairGAN. In FAccT, 2020.