The ACT Prize
We invite students to engage with the rich tradition of critical Black thought and provide their own responses to questions dealing with culturally relevant themes.
Programmes > The ACT Prize
Programme Content
Students produce essays in response to questions from a choice of five modules.
A range of prizes are available from essay publication to a place on the OxNet summer school.
Prize Package
OxNet Summer School
Online anthology
Cash prizes
Personal Statement support series
Workshop with United Agents, the literary & talent agency
Students must be:
1. In Year 12 when applying for the programme
2. Black state-school students
Applications open: 3rd November 2022
Applications close: 12th December 2022
Programme launch: 7th January 2023
Programme end: 3rd May 2023

1 —
Introduction to programme content and skills
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2 —
Specialist subject study and essay planning
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3 —
Essay writing, feedback and submission
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4 —
Winners announced and celebration day at Oxford University
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Programme Structure
The programme takes place in four key phases, starting with lectures on module content and culminating in the submission of essays on a specific module.
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